19 Reasons Why I'm Starting A Blog

1.     I’ve wanted to for a long time.

2.     I think it will be fun.

3.     It will push me to create.

4.     It will teach me to edit and update this website, which I’m super thankful for.  I have a lot to learn.

5.     It’s a way of bringing forward creative ideas that have been on the back burner for too long.  I gotta stir the pot or the bottom will burn.   

6.     Keeping a creative schedule is super chill.

7.     One aim is to relinquish my nagging sense of perfectionism and be okay with things being in progress.  This is true for little nuggets of art, but it’s also true for mundane things, like laundry and dishes and finances and the habits that shape our days.

8.     It’s okay to not be okay. And it’s okay to be okay.  It’s all okay always.

9.     Another way of saying #8 is what I’m shooting for is not just acceptance but a specific kind of acceptance.  Self-acceptance.     

10. If I had a cheese stick for each time someone asked me where to find my merch, I’d have way more cheese sticks than I can eat.  There’s a store tab at the top.  Check it out. 

11. To test the theory that if my creative life is all good, the rest of my life will be all good.

12.  Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way, talks about, “I will take care of the quantity.  You take care of the quality.”  I resonate with that vibe, and I’d like to explore it more.

13. I want to tell you about all these fun books I’ve been reading recently.  Not sure what shape the book reviews will take yet, but I’m excited to find out.

14. I’ve got a whole new season of podcasts and some live performance footage I plan to roll out through the blogging process. 

15. What you’re looking for is looking for you.  Keeping a blog is a great way to spin that cycle faster.

16. Social media can be an isolating place.  Connected to the simulation of friendship but disconnected to how I actually feel is a place I’d like to spend less time in.  I’m not giving up on the social media entirely.  That’s crazy talk.  But I’d like to do a better job at developing my own platform instead of pulling the arm of the slot machine of validation that is social media.  Was that too didactic?  Welp.  There’s the critic voice I’m trying to get rid of.  But maybe the critic voice had a point there.  Maybe  #17 is a little preachy and self-referential.

17. I’m gonna unashamedly pepper this blog with off-time-fax-machine-soundscape-doodles cause I sure like to make them on Ableton.

18. It’s easy for me to be out of my shell when I’m touring  I can say things like hi! and living the dream and thankful for and grateful to when I’m playing a show every night.  Because I absolutely mean it. This blog will help me cultivate a sense of appreciation while I’m not touring.  Currently, I’m hibernating and working on some full-scale creative projects. Playing a show every night all around the country isn’t in the cards until this spring.  But that doesn’t mean I can’t consistently spread love and show gratitude through the interwebs.

19. The point of this blog is to spread love.