List of Things to Think and Do Today: A Stuck Inside Poem, Day 6

1.     Reduce despair.

2.     Leave the house but don’t go anywhere.

3.     Don’t argue with people on the internet.  You already don’t, but don’t think about arguing with people on the internet. You validate bullshit by engaging with it, even silently.

4.     Eat the spinach before it goes bad.

5.     Call your dad.

6.     Draw a bath.

7.     Draw a porcupine.

8.     Mute people who give you bad vibes. Don’t bad vibe the people who give you mute.

9.     Who would’ve thought panic could involve sweatpants?

10. Like many indi-bands, Bernie has a branding problem.  His message is on point, but his packaging is off.  Math jazz versus Post Malone isn’t a fair fight especially when soccer moms vote. Socialism doesn’t go over well at the dinner parties of the wealthy.  It’s been a long time since we lived in a democracy.

11. Who would’ve thought it would be so easy to vanish?

12. You want to clear your mind but every time you check, yup, there’s still a you inside you.

13. Ignore your cough if that provides hope.

14. Implore your dog to play tic tac toe.

15. When the Airbnb market implodes and people with good credit go bankrupt because they can’t unload their real estate portfolios, and you make fun of it, are you punching down or up?

16. It probably depends on how much you have in student loans.  How the fuck should I know?

17. Compassion is rationed based on your economic status.

18. People who need the most help receive the least benefit.

19. The definition of having a problem is not having the power to fix it.

20. I once met a guy in Georgia who referred to his friends as holy shrimps.  It didn’t make sense then, nor does it make sense now, but I am down to be a holy shrimp.

21. How do you mute the cooties?

22. What if handshakes never come back?  

23. What if grandma never comes back?

24. What if the boarders never open and you decide it’s finally time to cash in your I’m-gonna-move-to-Canada-chips, but you can’t because all the casinos are closed?    

25. Is Animal Crossing really that awesome? I haven’t felt the fear of missing out in awhile.  That was nice.

26. Is it possible to get addicted to your own emotions?  And if it is, to get your fix, you repeat the same patterns? As if Groundhog Day was a documentary?

27. It’s okay to be afraid, but is it okay to be afraid to be okay?