Cold Ass Jams for Introverts and Other Turtles: A Stuck Inside Poem, Day 25

How about a live stream of a dude reading?

Not reading aloud.  Just reading.

It would be the jam for introverts.


Ever been so chill with someone,

y’all can just read books in the same room

and not say anything?  Now that

is an intimate experience. 


Meanwhile, I’m trying really hard

to not be that guy who sends

his friends links to obscure jazz

with the message, “fast forward to 7:23

and listen to that lick.

But like, really listen.

Do you see what I’m hearing?”


To some people all jazz is obscure.

But to me, all obscure is jazz. 

Whenever I don’t understand the plan,

I like to imagine the Universe is taking

a solo that is so far out, it lost me.

I’ll catch back up on the bridge.


Whenever I feel totally out of touch I just pretend

Dave Brubeck’s Blue Rondo a la Turk is playing loud and what-

ever is happening will continue to unfold and it

would probably be best if I let go

of the need to control everything and listen.


But I mean, really listen.