I Call It The Rhino Sanctuary Blog Because

I’m continually moved by the idea

that when you have an idea, the idea has you

if you let it.


What if those ideas had shapes?  What shapes would they take? 


If ideas were animals, what animal would they be? 


I love rhinos.  They’re big and strong and pretty.

They have thick skin.

A group of rhinos is called a crash.

Rhinos are vegetarians. 


So in my head, ideas could definitely be rhinos. 

Happy, safe rhinos. 


Not rhinos on a farm.

That sounds too livestocky. 


Rhinos on a sanctuary.

Rhinos on a sanctuary that feels like a summer camp. 

Rhinos on canoes.

Rhinos playing kickball and dodge ball with their new rhino friends. 

Rhinos climbing

climbing walls. Rhinos taking trust falls.


Rhinos drinking dark chocolate milk

made from coconut milk. 


Rhinos having long lunches at endless salad bars. 

Rhinos singing songs at the campfires. 

Rhinos making birdhouses in arts and crafts class.


I’ll bet the more we think about rhinos,

the more birdhouses they make

with our names on them.


Rhinos are basically unicorns who know how to party.   


A rhino’s horn consists of the same protein

our fingernails are made from

so we are basically part rhino already.